
Tutorials, tips, and ideas from the mind of a lemon.

How Not to Be a Bad Email Marketer

Great advice for anyone setting up a new email newsletter list from the folks over at MailChimp : Bottom line: make sure people are legitimately signed up to your list. You can’t just throw a bunch of email addresses on your list and hope people will be so happy to…

Required Listening: Virtual Assistant Podcast

A podcast that’s about 17 episodes old that small business owners (virtual or real) may find interesting is one from Cliff Ravenscraft’s GSPN.TV network called The Virtual Assistant Podcast. I’ve listened to most of the episodes thus far and have found it to be an interesting window into the world…

Required Listening: Foolish Adventure

Izzy Video is a video podcast that teaches you all about how to shoot, edit and produce video on a Mac using Final Cut Studio. Awhile ago he turned it, and a few other podcasts he produces, into his full time gig. He does this by charging a membership fee…

Required Listening: John Gruber and Jim Coudal

John Gruber (Daring Fireball) and Jim Coudal (The Deck Ad Network & gave a great talk at South by Southwest 2010 titled “Online Advertising: Losing the Race to the Bottom” in which they spoke about what methods they have used to generate income from their online efforts. Download or…