
Tutorials, tips, and ideas from the mind of a lemon.

Version 3? Or Version 4?

I\’m not sure if this is version 3 or version 4 of the Lemon Productions site. But it doesn\’t really matter – it is what it is. It\’s a responsive designed theme which is geek speak for it adjusting to different devices like an iPad or desktop browser auto-magically. A…

Got a Band? Need a Website for Your Band?

I often use WooThemes WordPress themes for client sites, particularly if the budget doesn\’t allow for a complete, starting from scratch approach. They design great themes that are well supported and are built on a solid code base that allows for plenty of customization without having to reinvent the wheel…

2011 Annual Report from Warby Parker

Warby Parker 2011 Annual Report

Warby Parker distribute glasses in a customer friendly fashion with free shipping and free returns1. They\’ve recently put together their annual report for 2011 and rather than distribute it2 using traditional print and PDF methods, they\’ve built a beautiful HTML/CSS/JavaScript based side scrolling report that shows all the important stats…

WordPress Tip: Update Your Permalinks

The other day I went on 4 or 5 toot rant on Twitter about issues I often come across in websites I visit. It was a bit of a letting off of steam and on Twitter, where you’re limited to 140 characters, it’s not that helpful since I just complained…